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Here is the top 10 list of the films that the greek public has voted for during the 9th International Meeting of Archaeological Film (Athens, 7-13 May):

  1. The World’s First Computer, by Mike Beckham and Kisses to the children, by Vassilis Loules
  2. Encardia, the dancing stone, by Angelos Kovotsos
  3. Alexander the Great, by Bernard George
  4. Black Sands, by Anastassis Agathos
  5. The architect Dimitris Pikionis, by Angelos Kovotsos
  6. Ethiopia, on the trail of the first Christians, by Jean Louis Saporito
  7. Sacred Stones of Armenia, by Paolo Chiodarelli
  8. Paddle Ship Patris. Lost in 1868, by Vassilis Mentoyiannis and George Nikolaidis
  9. The Secrets of Nazca, by Michael Kaschner
  10. The secrets of the Pyramid of Djoser, by Romualds Pipars


The World’s First Computer
Kisses to the children
Encardia, the dancing stone
Alexander the Great
Black Sands
Dimitris Pikionis
Ethiopia, in the trail of the first Christians
Sacred Stones of Armenia
Paddle Ship Patris. Lost in 1868
The Secrets of Nazca
The secrets of the Pyramid of Joser