POLAND, 2021, 54’
Director: Krzysztof Paluszyński
Producer: Andrzej Paluszyński, PFS PalFilmStudio
This fictionalised document is a kind of story – a journey across the lands of our country and Europe almost 7,000 years ago. Thanks to outdoor locations, scenography, reenactors, 3D animation, and precisely focused frames, we see the world that has long ceased to exist. The foundation for the film is poorly recognised and studied roundels, the oldest examples of monumental architecture in Europe, dating back 7,000 years. These circular wooden-earth structures with a diameter of up to one hundred and several dozen meters were built using simple tools. According to Professor Lech Czerniak, roundels were a new social institution in Central Europe, reflecting the formation of a new social order after the collapse of the culture of the first farmers in the early 5th millennium BC. The film also presents other spectacular, practically unknown facts of the ancient past of the lands of today’s Poland.