GREECE , 2021, 10’30’’
3rd Primary School of Plomari Lesvou
Workshop leader: Nikos Anagnostopoulos
Teacher in charge: Stella Koufoudi
Director: Maria Mertzanidou
Production: Olympia International Film Festival for children and young people & Neaniko Plano
After the Balkan wars of 1912 and especially after the Asia Minor disaster in 1922, the vital space of Asia Minor was lost for Mytilene and the production did not find a way to its disposal, so many Plomarites immigrated to America, Australia, and Africa. Later in 1950 after the civil war, many Plomarites immigrated to Australia, New Zealand, many to America, and many more to African countries.
Today in Plomari many repatriated descendants of the first and second migration live permanently, many Albanians, Danes, Norwegians, Israelis, and French people of Greek origin. The students of the fifth primary school of Plomari decide to create a documentary film, exploring the multicultural character of their city and talking about their roots. Today in Plomari, different cultures, languages, tastes, music, and traditions intersect.