IN SEARCH OF SECRET SPLENDOURS: TINOS, THE ISLAND OF THE GODS Each year, on the Island of Tinos in the Cyclades, the festival of the Virgin…Agon Festival20/07/2016
2016 RELOCATION OF ROMAN TOMB “313” In 2012, during work for the widening of the «Olympian» motorway close to the location…Agon Festival20/07/2016
Μη κατηγοριοποιημένοΜη κατηγοριοποιημένοΜη κατηγοριοποιημένοΜη κατηγοριοποιημένοΜη κατηγοριοποιημένοΜη κατηγοριοποιημένο “TA GYNAIKEIA”. WOMEN’S AFFAIRS A photographer from Palermo, a winemaker from Ragusa, an elderly woman from Enna, novelist from…Agon Festival19/07/2016
Μη κατηγοριοποιημένο LET OUR MEN DANCE The story of Kurdish women laboring to weave clothes for their men to dance in.Agon Festival19/07/2016
CASPIAN FISHERMEN In the south of Caspian Sea (north of Iran), there are groups of fishermen who…Agon Festival19/07/2016
20162016201620162016201620162016 THE NOOSE The noose around the neck of Lefteris, an extra in Theo Angelopoulos’ legendary film «Reconstruction».…Agon Festival19/07/2016
archivearchivearchivearchivearchivearchivearchivearchive UNDER A SKY Many Syrian immigrants struggle every day trying to get used to the new home, the…Agon Festival19/07/2016
archive WE WERE REBELS The documentary film WE WERE REBELS tells the story of Agel, a former child soldier…Agon Festival18/07/2016
ON.OFF. ''In village, in Monodendri'', six residents of the village, along with the poet Michalis Ganas, observe…Agon Festival18/07/2016
CINEMA ROAD 2015 marks the end of the celluloid and analogue projection in cinemas. This documentary it's…Agon Festival18/07/2016