20062014 Poisoned! Poisoning is humanity’s oldest science. But only in the last century scientific techniques have advanced…Agon Festival02/11/2012
Apollonia “Magna urbs et gravis”: big and imposing town. That’s the way Cicero described Apollonia. This…Agon Festival02/11/2012
The Kizilburun shipwreck During the summer of 2005, an international team of 20 INA staff members and graduate…Agon Festival02/11/2012
Yvan’s masterpiece Yvan, a young stonecutter at the Center for Alexandrian Studies, must create a masterwork in…Agon Festival02/11/2012
A journey around the five Schools There are five french Schools outside France. These low-profile institutions nevertheless have a distinguished track…Agon Festival02/11/2012
20062006200620062006200620062006 The Piazza Armerina mosaic We visit six rooms of the Roman Villa of Casale at Piazza Armerina in Sicily…Agon Festival02/11/2012
archivearchivearchivearchivearchivearchivearchivearchivearchive Metalla Oiassonis This documentary introduces viewers to the complex world of ancient mining as it was practiced…Agon Festival02/11/2012
Qudad, re-inventing a tradition Qudad is an ancient lime waterproofing plaster that has been used for several millennia in…Agon Festival02/11/2012
2000 The Longobards The history of the Germanic tribe which came from Scandinavia to Italy and tried to…Agon Festival02/11/2012
archive Adam’s grandsons 6.000 years on from the disappearance of the Cucuteni Culture (that lived for 1000 years…Agon Festival02/11/2012