archive The Piazza Armerina mosaic We visit six rooms of the Roman Villa of Casale at Piazza Armerina in Sicily…Agon Festival02/11/2012
Metalla Oiassonis This documentary introduces viewers to the complex world of ancient mining as it was practiced…Agon Festival02/11/2012
Qudad, re-inventing a tradition Qudad is an ancient lime waterproofing plaster that has been used for several millennia in…Agon Festival02/11/2012
Adam’s grandsons 6.000 years on from the disappearance of the Cucuteni Culture (that lived for 1000 years…Agon Festival02/11/2012
The Wisigoths and their treasures. From Busento to the kingdom of Toledo Banished from their settlements near the Black Sea, the Wisigoths, a Teutonic tribe, departed at…Agon Festival02/11/2012
2006200620062006200620062006200620062006 The living legend of Aratta In the Jiroft district, in southeastern Iran, a change in the course of the Halil…Agon Festival02/11/2012
Memory of Spain: from Altamira to metal tools “Memory of Spain” is a documentary series that presents the entire course of Spanish history,…Agon Festival02/11/2012
The Launeddas, the music of Sardinia The launeddas is a triple clarinet, played with the technique of circular breathing and made…Agon Festival01/11/2012
archivearchivearchivearchivearchivearchivearchivearchivearchive Mantua, towards the origins of the Diocese 2004 marks the 1.200th anniversary of Diocese of Mantua. This event has provided the stimulus…Agon Festival01/11/2012
COA, the river of a thousand engravings Along the banks of the peaceful Coa river in Portugal lies an archaeological treasure: thousands…Agon Festival01/11/2012