Ni-anch-Nefertum– the forgotten priest The film was made during Polish excavations in Saqqara, Egypt. The archaeological mission has worked…Agon Festival29/06/2012
archivearchivearchivearchivearchivearchive The buried Pharaoh In the great temple of Ammon at Karnak, a statue was unexpectedly found during a…Agon Festival29/12/2011
2014archive Achilles on the isle of Skyros This is the story of Achilles: His mother, Thetis, submerges him in the Styx Lake…Agon Festival29/12/2011
A journey into the greek myths The geography of Greece enjoys a unique cultural privilege: Mountains, rivers and places that may…Agon Festival29/12/2011
2006200620062006200620062006 Greece- Garden of the Gods Imagine a world where everything in nature, from the landscapes and oceans to the weather…Agon Festival29/12/2011
6th International Meeting of Archaeological Film of the Mediterranean Area The International Meeting of Archaeological Film of the Mediterranean Area, which is taking place every…Agon Festival29/12/2011
The Dig– Unearthing the ancient Paphos theatre "The Dig" is about the unearthing of a 2.000 year old theatre in Paphos, Cyprus.…Agon Festival27/12/2011