Olympos, the gods’ village According to the myth, some pirates from Karpathos went to Olympos mountain and ubducted the gods.…Agon Festival13/05/2015
In the shadow of Ozymandias In the 1st century B.C., the Greek historian Diodorus the Sicilian (contemporary with Julius Caesar)…Agon Festival29/06/2012
The water supply system of Alexandria Until the 19th century, Alexandria was a place of canals and cisterns. The underground city…Agon Festival29/06/2012
The feasts of Luernius Around the 1st century B.C., a Greek sage named Poseidonios, gives testimony of an Averni…Agon Festival04/01/2012
Tegea The name Tegea comes from the word “tegos” which means roof. The valley of Tegea,…Agon Festival04/01/2012
The Short Art. The surgeon of Ariminum Ariminum is the Latin name of the city known today as Rimini, an italian city…Agon Festival04/01/2012
Desert Patina The Sahara desert, which has not always been a desert, is full of evidence of…Agon Festival04/01/2012
2008200820082008200820082008200820082008 Archaeological Business In this documentary we try to understand the situation of the market of antiquities, through…Agon Festival04/01/2012
archivearchivearchivearchivearchivearchivearchivearchivearchive Syria, gateway to the Orient― the excavations at Ebla Ebla (today Tall Mardikh) was an ancient city located in northern Syria, about 40 km…Agon Festival04/01/2012
2014archive The Agnes Sorel case Filmed like an historical detective story, this documentary narrates the unbelievable story of the research…Agon Festival04/01/2012