Terra Sigillata The art of manufacture of the terra sigillata ceramics: the shaping of clay, the design…Agon Festival25/11/2011
Tells, ground and graves The archaeological remains in the Asiatic Near East have the form of a mound and…Agon Festival25/11/2011
Letter for tomorrow Today, about 6.700 languages are spoken in the world. If the predictions of the specialists…Agon Festival24/11/2011
Crooked wood A greek traditional boat builder shows some of his traditional skills and talks about this…Agon Festival24/11/2011
The rustbowl spirit The film, in various sites all over Europe (France, Greece, Poland, Belgium and Germany) presents…Agon Festival24/11/2011
Tessera of peace in Middle East The film follows the most important phases of 30 years of excavation and restoration works…Agon Festival24/11/2011
Khufu revealed It’s the only one of the seven Wonders of the World that’s still standing today.…Agon Festival24/11/2011
archivearchivearchivearchivearchivearchivearchivearchivearchivearchive The exiled In November 1942 Turkey imposed a capital tax, known as Varlik Vergisi. This crippling tax…Agon Festival24/11/2011
Cerveteri. The necropolis of Banditaccia An amazing trip to the tombs of the Etruscan Necropolis of Banditaccia in Cerveteri, which…Agon Festival24/11/2011
2010201020102010201020102010201020102010 Secrets of the Nile Valley: Part I. The film reveals the story of ancient cultures as well as the life of contemporary…Agon Festival24/11/2011