THE CAVE OF ADDAURA: SANCTUARY OF MAN The film tries to reconstruct a ritual moment of a human clan in the Paleolithic…Agon Festival02/11/2011
archivearchivearchivearchivearchivearchivearchivearchivearchivearchive INSTRUCTIONS ON MAKRONISSOS Allegoric documentary on the real landscapes of the Greek ruins, with reference to the island…Agon Festival02/11/2011
2014 Lysippos Epoesen (Lysippos Created) Lysippos from Sikyon of Corinth lived in the 4th century BC. He chose Bronze as…Agon Festival02/11/2011
ANCIENT CYCLADES: PROTOCYCLADIC CIVILIZATION The film deals with the characteristics of the Protocycladic civilization, which flourished during the third…Agon Festival02/11/2011
DOKOS. THE OLDEST KNOWN SHIPWRECK IN THE WORLD One of the greatest secrets, of the ancient Greek world, lays in the depths of…Agon Festival02/11/2011
MEMORIES OF FIRE, MEMORIES OF EARTH Around 250 A.D., a group of potters settled down in a place, some 15 leagues…Agon Festival02/11/2011
TREE-RINGS: THE SCIENCE OF DENDROCHRONOLOGY The film begins by explaining how tree- rings can be used as a dating tool…Agon Festival02/11/2011
1996199619961996199619961996199619961996 BARDENAS REALES. THE ARCHAEOLOGY OF A DESERT The Bardenas Reales is an area of 40.000 hectares south of Navarre, in Spain. today…Agon Festival02/11/2011
TROY: READING THE SITE Using paintbox graphics and material specially shot on location, this sequence begins by placing the…Agon Festival02/11/2011
TROY – EXCAVATIONS 1993 The film shows the 1993 excavations of Troys' “lower city” and the salvage and restauration…Agon Festival02/11/2011